Welcome here!~
U're now in Levnn C. territory :)
Well, thanks for popping by here,
This is my current blog for now
I do hope all of you can enjoy reading it
If you hate me, just leave this site
Have a pleasure day ",
Blog created on 5th Jan 09.
Press the Link ->Archive to review my previous posts :)
**My poem of life**
A moment’s peace from journeys long,
With tingling laughter welling up,
Awakening from my deepest sleep,
A morning pure I did greet,
And how my heart did finally beat.
Background Of Life
`Levnn Chiang
`20 years old
`22 August 1990
`100% male
`'O' blood type(universal donor!)
`BMI = 20(safe range)
`currently in Kampar for education
`a degree science student*Biology stream*
`Myvi user
`MSN = *ask me*
Thursday, February 11, 2010 @ 3:46 PM
FINALLY I'm back to blog here.
Why am I here at the first place ? Because I just finished my damn amazing Metabolic Biochem report of Experiment 3. Its due date is tomorrow and I just managed to finish it by now at 3.50pm. **
salutation to myself** so, since I've nothing do right now, I decided to crap something here. Well, I know it has been ages I didn't get to update my freaking blog and all these while was on Facebook updating my quotes and status there. So, to all the bloggers, a sincere
apology ya from me! :D
It is the
4th Week since my Semester 3 had initiated. There were loads of stuffs to do and have to get them done on time. Many reports, tutorials, assignments were given lately as the Utar management want us to suffer during our CNY. My 7th sense impression told me that this third sem would not be a definite and impressive semester for me. Even in my studies, it's so obvious in how they manage their respective syllabus subjects. I'm totally stunned and shocked to see these kind of notes especially for those 4 crdt hours subjects which are Metabolic Biochem & Cell Bio. It should be rather interesting but the lecturers were not. So these subjects might degrade my performance this sem. Whereas for others, there's still a miracle there.
But what worry me the most is
CELL BIOLOGY!! Till now, I feel that I'm still
learning nothing although Week 4 is gonna end soon ! and mid-term will be just round the corner after CNY!
Oh fuck~ I don't even own a single Cell Bio textbook till now.
And in the midst of Week 7, I'm gonna DIE of STRESS. All mid-term exams, quizzes, presentation will be held mostly at that entire week. So, I'm thinking if I can manage to overcome it or not.
In term of
budget, I'm totally in a
OVER BUDGET mode right now..In a leap of eye, my money was gone to nowhere. even my ATM card savings left less than RM100 now..or worstly, RM5O only. ...how the fuck should I explain it? even I don't know how to explain to myself..neither my parents nor my friends..I somehow remember last few weeks I just took RM 250 from ATM and now ? left less than RM10 in my wallet now..Is there a fact supporting that when CNY is approaching, money will fly away? Maybe I guess..
So whatever, it is..I promised myself I will spend wisely and will not simply flunk them for futile use. *
hopefully it is*
For today's routine, I woke up around 6.45am although alarm rang at 6am. I kept snoozing the alarm because my mind doesn't want me to wake up yet. I've no choice but have to wake up because suddenly I get to know of Cell Bio tutorial at 8am..Drove to Utar at 7.30am and tag friends along..Well, Cell Bio tutorial was kinda speechless to me..Nonetheless, his explanation skills was great and easy to understand..but those Qs that he provided were kinda tough and out of syllabus..haha..and after his explanation, I get to understand them..haha..Cell bio ended pretty fast and the next class was A&P 2..Well, at least this lecturer show some sign of experiences in teaching..her explanation was damn clear and awesome..I think I can understand mostly of the sub-topics being taught..well, not bad after all.. but lots of memorising needed for this subject..At least got an accountable lecturer here to assist me in this subject..And after 4 weeks of teaching, she had successfully finished Cardiovascular System and Respiratory System..After the class ended half an hour earlier, 11.30am, headed for lunch at outside as we were damn hungry at that moment..After back to hostel, went for laundry and also pay the rental fee for my hostel..Guess what?
The ELECTRICITY FEE for DECEMBER usage was RM 24.80 and not to say water fees, RM 1.60 which is more expensive than other houses. I was like stunned for few seconds after looking at the amount.
During December, I was having sem break and I didn't even get to use any fucking electricity and just because of their extremely excess usage, I had to pay so much. Please be cooperate if u want to pay lesser for the electricity fees..If u guys don't wanna cooperate , okay lets use the electricity till it soar up to RM 100+ ..and I guess u all would regret later. But still, I'm actually thinking for a shift. perhaps to Harvard, or badly Beijing houses. The price was too exorbitant and I wish for a cheaper ones.
My income was falling tremendously right now due to my own mistake.=[And lastly I would like to wish all of you a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! Roarrr like a tiger and eat 'em up especially during gambling time.. And for couples, HAPPY VALENTINE TOO! May the power of love creates an endless love of power to the couples! Love each other because love shall never falls no matter what. So I would like to emphasized that love is the golden ribbon that tie the world together. Have a wondrous Thursday (:Signing Off,